Rabu, 03 April 2013

Windows 8 Assessment Services

The final component in the Windows ADK is the Windows Assessment Services   component
(Windows ASC). Windows Assessment Services is a test framework used to automate
 running assessments that measure performance, reliability, and functionality on multiple
computers in a lab environment. It helps you eliminate fragmented, error-prone, expensive,
 pre-deployment test processes, and enables you to replace multiple steps and inconsistent
tools with just one tool.

          Windows ASC is the graphical user interface that interacts with Windows Assessment
Services. This enables you to manage settings and assets, such as which lab computers to
test, which images should be applied to those computers, and which assessments should be
run on the test computers. You can use Windows ASC to monitor the progress of a running
job and to view and compare the results that were produced. Additional benefits include the
 ability to import results into a central database for consolidated report generation.

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