Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

Grouping Worksheets in Microsoft Excel 2010

You can  al so  group  several worksheets, meaning that you can select them simultaneously. Why bother?
Because by doing so, any data entry or formatting change you make in a range in one grouped sheet
will be reproduced in precisely the same range in all the other grouped sheets, affording you a highly
efficient way to achieve the same data arrangement and look across sheets. Thus if you enter a series
of header rows in one grouped sheet—say, Name, Address, and Age—all those entries will appear in
the same addresses on the other sheets.
To group sheets, click on the first one you want to group. You’re then handed two group options: If
you want to group non-adjacent sheets in a workbook, press Ctrl, leave that key down, and then click

on the other sheets you want to group. Then release Ctrl. If you want to group adjacent sheets, click on

the first tab you wish to group, then press Shift, leave that key down, and click on the  last  in the series of

sheet tabs. To select all the sheets in the workbook, you can right-click any sheet tab and click b.
To demonstrate, open a new blank workbook and click the tab of Sheet1. Press Shift and at the

same time click the Sheet3 tab (yes; you could have also clicked Select All Sheets, as per the instructions
in the last paragraph). All three tabs should appear white (or at least whiter than usual, in the event
you’ve colored any tabs), with the tab text “Sheet 1” appearing in boldface, indicating it is the active
sheet. Then in cell A1 type Name, then Address and Age in cells B1 and C1, respectively. Then click
Sheets 2 and 3—and you’ll see the same data in the same cells. To deselect, or ungroup, the sheets,
right-click any tab and click Ungroup Sheets (another dorky verb), or click on any sheet that is not
cur r e n tl y  g r oupe d.

Hiding Rows and Columns—and Getting them Back Excel 2010

You can also hide rows and columns—not so much in order to maintain the secrecy of your data, but to
i mpr ov e  the  a ppe a r a n ce  of a  spr e a dshe e t; pe r ha ps col umn s wi th compl e x for mul a s don ’ t n e e d to be 
seen—but if you  do hide them, all the data posted there remain active, and any cell references to them
remain in force, too.
To start hiding, click on any cell or cells in a column or row you wish to hide and click Home  
Cells button group Format   Hide & Unhide   Hide Rows  or   Hide Columns (Figure 7–4):
Figure 7–4. Outta sight: where to start hiding rows or columns

Click and the rows or columns will disappear, as will the column letters and/or row numbers of the
hidden items. To hide several rows or columns at the same time, just drag across those columns or drag
down those rows, leave that selection in place, and click the commands you see in 7–4.
Now sooner or later you may want to reveal these clandestine areas of the workbook—and to do
so you need to select rows or columns on  either side  of the hidden ones. For example, if the K column is
hidden, just drag across any row in the J and L columns (e.g., J23:L23), leave that selection in place, and
click the command sequence as per Figure 7–4—only here you’ll click either Unhide Rows, or  in our 
ca se  Unhide Columns.
Now on to multiple worksheets, because extra space on your single worksheet may not be what
you want

Cara Instal Yahoo Messenger 11 Tanpa Koneksi Internet

Untuk menginstal Yahoo messenger (YM!) pada komputer windows caranya sangat mudah. langkah-langkahnya sama seperti menginstal software lain. dalam proses instalasi YM, anda tidak membutuhkan komputer yang terkoneksi internet, hanya dibutuhkan file installer Yahoo messenger versi 11. Berikut tahap-tahap tutorial instalasi aplikasi yahoo messenger pada komputer disertai gambar screenshot agar mudah dipahami.

Versi terbaru Yahoo! messenger untuk saat ini adalah versi 11 yang dapat anda lihat reviewnya pada artikel YM Terbaru v11. silahkan kunjungi link tersebut jika anda belum memiliki file yahoo messenger yang akan diinstal.


  1. Klik 2x file ymsgr1150_0228_id.exe
  2. Setelah muncul jendela instalasi, klik tombol Next seperti gambar dibawah ini
  3. cara install ym offline
  4. Muncul License Agreements and Terms, klik checkbox Yes, I accept kemudian klik tombol Next
  5. persetujuan instalasi yahoo messenger
  6. Kemudian klik lagi tombol Next pada jendela privacy policy, silahkan dibaca dan dipahami sekiranya perlu.
  7. jendela instalasi privacy policy
  8. Selanjutnya lokasi instalasi program Yahoo! messenger, default lokasi C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger klik Next jika tidak ingin merubah lokasi instalasi.
  9. Yahoo! Messenger siap di install, klik Next untuk memulai proses instalasi. Tunggu beberapa saat, proses instalasi sedang berlangsung.
  10. program ym siap di install
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Apabila pada waktu proses instalasi meminta akses internet, file installer yang sebelumnya sudah anda simpan merupakan file online installer.

Tentang Microsoft Excel 2007

pada Microsoft Excel mungkin Sudah Tidak asing lagi bagi Pemakai aplikasi Microsoft Office. Microsoft Excel merpakan  program aplikasi pengolah lembar kerja elektronik (spreadshet) atau pengolah Angka yang sangat Populer dan penggunaan nya relatif mudah . microsoft Excel bekerja di bawah sistem operasi Windows

     Perkembangan Microsoft Excel sangat pesat sekali , dimulai dari microsoft excel 4 hingga microsoft 2010 dan Microsoft Xp, yang memiliki kemampuan menyimpan file dalam bentuk Workshet dan workbook, banyak kemudahan yang akan anda proleh selama anda  menggunakan microsoft Excel , seperti bekerja dengan daftar data , menghitung angka, membuat Laporan , Diagram Grafik daExcel Macro, diasamping kemampuan lainnya banyak di munculkan beberapa fasilitas baru, yang menyeliputi fasilitas Web , Hyperlink , Multi Level Undo, Formula Auto Correct, Office Asisstant dan Terutama Dengan Penambahab Dalam berntuk Ribbon
by Lentra Ilmu Cendekia         

Ribbon Pada Microsoft Excel 2007

                                                        gambar tampilan Menu Ribbon
Ribbon terdiri dari beberapa menu Diantaranya adalah menu:
    Home, Insert, Page layout, Formula, Dara, Review, View, Add-ins dan Menu Develover Jika diaktifkan

     Default dari tampilan ribbon adalah menu Home dibawahnya adalah Icon- icon yang sesuai dengan Fungsinya

Cara Mengaktifkan atau Memilih Menu Tersebut cukup di klik menu yang diinginkan maka secara otomatis icon - icon akan berubah sesuai dengan fungsi menu tersebut. (untuk Fungsi sesuai dengan kegunaannya)

b. Lembar Kerja ( WorkSheet)

 Lembaran kerja dari microsoft excel 2007 terdiri dari judul baris (Row Heading) dan judul kolom (Colom Heading)
       yang terdiri dari colom adalah A,B,C,D,E,...Z

Cara Akses Microsoft Excel 2007

Untuk Menjalankan sitem operasi  Microsoft Excel sama dengan sitem operasi lainnya, adapun untuk lebih Jelasnya langkah - Langkah menjalankan sistem operasi Microsoft Excel adalah :

[1]. Aktifkan Sistem Operasi Windows.
[2]. Setelah sistem windows aktif , pilihlah Start yang ada pada taskbar dengan cara meng klik kiri mouse
[3]. Dari Menu Start , pilih lah All Program - Pilih Microsof Office lalu klik Microsoft Excel atau klik Langsung Microsoft Excel jika sudah tersedia dalam menu Taskbar (gambar1.1)
[4]. Setelah Microsoft Excel dipilih , tunggu beberapa saat
dan akan Menampilkan Seperti gambar 1,2
Cukup Sekian terimakasih
Semoga Bermamfaat

Keeping Tabs…on a New One In Microsoft Excel 2010

On the other hand, even if you’re coming to Excel 2010 from the 2007 rendition, you’ll quickly observe
one significant departure from that latter interface—the debut of the File tab, distinguished from all the
other tabs by its conspicuous green cast. The File tab supplants the 2007 Office button—perhaps destined
to go down as a one-hit wonder, having come and gone with that release alone (See Figure 1–15.)

Figure 1–15.  The Office 2007 button

The suspicion was that too many users mistook this button for nothing more than an inert logo
when they first saw it, and not as the repository of important commands it actually was (my wife, a
moderately experienced user, tells me it took her ages to figure out what the button did). In any case,
click the 2010 File tab and this time you won’t r oll out one mor e ar r ay of buttons atop your  scr een;
instead, you’ll see something like Figure 1–16:
 Figure 1–16.  All buttoned up: How the 2010 File menu looks
Clicking File, the rough—very rough—equivalent of the pre-2007 menu bar command with the
same name can bring you to a number of notable destinations gathered in what’s called the Backstage:
•  For starters, it presents you with a list of recently accessed spreadsheets, so you
can swiftly retrieve them again.
•  It offers up basic Office commands that affect files, such as Open, Save, Save As,
and Close.
•  It warehouses various printing options.
•  It contains numerous default settings, e.g., the typeface and font size in effect
when you start any new spreadsheet. Of course, the defaults are there to be
changed, as you see fit. For example – if you want to change Excel’s default font,
cl i ck  Fi l e    Options   General, and then enter the appropriate font and font size
choices in the dr op-down menus.
•  It furnishes Excel’s Help component.
And File allows you to customize your ribbon in a variety of ways, either by enabling you to
fashion new groups you can then post inside the existing tabs (quick review:  groups are the
subdivisions of tabs) or freeing you to customize new tabs altogether, by selecting, grouping, and
subsumi n g  comman ds un de r  a n e w tab n ame  of y our  de v i si ng .

That last point also reminds us that Excel is stocked with a rather prodigious array of commands
that, by  de faul t, don’t appear on any tab. But they’re all listed here in the deeper recesses of File, to be
adde d to tabs by  use r s who n e e d the m, as shown  i n  Fi g ur e  1– 17:
Figure 1–17.  Inside the File tab, where all of Excel commands are listed
Figure 1–17 captures but an excerpt of all the available commands; and while you may not need to
import too many of these into your tabs, remember the knowing-more-is-better credo. There are some
cool capabilities stored in that list—capabilities you may one day decide you’d like to use.

Cool QAT in Microsoft Excel 2010

All of which segues into the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT), a rather mild-mannered strip of buttons
you’ll find lining the upper-left perimeter of your Excel screen, as seen in Figure 1–18:
Figure 1–18.  The Quick Access toolbar

Apart from demonstrating Excel’s tenacious attachment to the word “toolbar,” the QAT plays a
valuable role in enabling you to access important commands easily. Stocked with but three buttons at
the outset—the ones which execute the Save, Undo, and Redo commands—the QAT can be tailored to
store any other command buttons—ones you presumably want to use often. The idea is that you can
post any existing, tab/group-based command to the QAT so that the command remains available even
whe n  y ou g o ahe ad an d mov e  on  to a di ffe r e n t tab.
For example, suppose you’re a pivot table devotee, and while you know that the command for
designing a new table is housed in the Tables group of the Insert tab, you want to able to activate a
pivot table at any time—even if you now find yourself in, say, the Data tab. By right-clicking your
mouse on the Pivot Table command (important note: unless otherwise indicated, all mouse clicks in
this book call upon the left button) and clicking the Add to Quick Access Toolbar  option shown in Figur e
Figure 1–19.  Where to add commands to the QAT

you can dispatch a copy of the Pivot Table command to the QAT, where it makes itself available
whenever you want it (Figure 1–20 ):
Figure 1–20.  QAT access to the Pivot Table command
No need to revisit the Data tab; just click Pivot Tables on the QAT instead—and there’s your pivot table.
You can also install any command onto the QAT from that master list of all Excel commands
catalogued in the File tab.

Understood in Context in Microsoft Excel 2010

Now there’s one more component of the 2010 interface you’ll want to know about, one which appears
only on occasion. When you add certain elements to your spreadsheet—e.g., one of those pivot tables,
or a chart, or a Sparkline, or a graphic object (say, a shape or a picture), and return to that object and
click on it, a command name alluding to that object suddenly pokes its head atop your screen. What
does that mean? Well, let’s return to our grading sheet, complete with those student-performance
Sparklines. Click on any cell containing a Sparkline, and you’ll trigger this display (Figure 1–21):
Figure 1–21.  The Sparkline Tools tab

Click that amber title (the color varies by whatever object you’re working with) and a new  set of
tab contents barges onscreen, overriding the tab with which you’d been working to date. What you see
now instead is a battery of options devoted to Sparklines alone (Figure 1–22):
Figure 1–22.  Sparkline tool buttons

Complete your Sparkline revisions, click on any other, non-Sparkline-bearing cell, and this tab
disappears, returning you to the previous tab. Whenever you click any Sparkline cell, that tab revisits
the screen (again, how Sparklines actually work is to be taken up in a later chapter). Thus these object-specific, now-you-see-them-now-you-don’t tabs give you swift access to the commands for working
with some special spreadsheet tools—exactly when you need them.

Alt-ered Consciousness in Microsoft Excel 2010

Now let’s add an important navigational note to the proceedings. We’ve spent a good deal of time in
the company of our trusty mice, ambling across the 2010 interface with those redoubtable pointing
devices leading the way. But there’s also a keyboard-based means for accessing all of the above
Tap the Alt key, and these lettered or numbered indicators suddenly attach to the tab headings and
the QAT (Figure 1–23):
Figure 1–23.  Alt keyboard options

Then tap any one of the letters/numbers you see called Key Tips (this time without Alt), and that
tab’s contents display. Thus if you tap A as we see it here, the Data tab’s buttons will appear, each
command of which is then also  lettered. Then tap any one of  these letters (and note some commands
comprise two letters—these should be tapped rapidly in sequence), and the command executes, as
shown in Figure 1–24:
Figure 1–24.  Inside the Data tab: Alt key options

Thus if I type SD now, a selected range will be sorted in descending alphabetical order (and don’t
worry what that means if you aren’t sure. Sorting is to be explained later. But note that SD = Sor t
Descending). And once the command does its thing, all the letters disappear. And if you initiate the
whole process by tapping Alt and then have second thoughts about it, simply tap Alt a second time, and
the letters vanish—no harm done. Thus the Alt approach offers one more way of getting the same jobs
done—but this time with no mouse required, if you’re so inclined. Commit a few of these Alt-ernatives
to memory and you should be able to speed some of your basic, recurring tasks as a result (and just for
the record—the Alt technique in subtler form also works in the pre-2007 releases of Excel, too).
A couple of other points before we wind up. The way in which the ribbon’s contents appear on your
screen will depend in part on your screen’s resolution (I speak from experience). Your button captions
may thus be positioned differently from ours, and so the screen shots in this book may not precisely
correspond to what you’re seeing. So rest assured: you’re not hallucinating, you just have a different
screen setting. And here’s something else that you won’t see in previous Excel versions: when you
select text (defined broadly, here, as including numbers as well)—that is, when you actually highlight
the text, as opposed to simply clicking on a cell—you’ ll see a dim, appar ition-like toolbar  looming a bit
abov e  the  ce l l . Li ft y our  mouse  j ust a bi t, an d the  tool bar—cal l e d a mi n i - tool bar —r e sol v e s shar pl y  on 
screen, as shown in Figure 1–25:
Figure 1–25.  The mini-toolbar

The mini-toolbar supplies you with speedy access to standard text formatting option buttons —
bold, italics, etc. Click one and the change is made. If, on the other hand, you find this utility literally
gets in the way, you can turn it off by clicking File    Options General   Show Mini Toolbar  on
Selection, and unchecking the box.
We can begin to figure out how to pour our data into that massive space—and make the data work
for us.
So let’s begin.