Jumat, 05 April 2013

Cara Membuat Blogger Followers Widget / Google Friend Connect Widget

Kali ini saya akan coba share sebuah cara untuk mendapatkan Blogger Followers Widget / Google Friend Connect Widget.

Seperti telah kita ketahui, setelah adanya Google+ Followers Widget, maka untuk Blogger Followers Widget / Google Friend Connect Widget sudah tidak bisa kita temukan pada list gadget di Tata Letak atau Layout. Karena memang Google sebagai si empunya Blogger lebih merekomendasikan Google+ Followers widget untuk ditrapkan di blog atau website.

Nah bagi yang masih ingin memasang Blogger Followers Widget / Google Friend Connect Widget di blognya, maka kali ini saya mencoba memberikan sedikit tutor untuk mereka yang belum mengetahui dan kebingungan cara membuat Blogger Followers Widget / Google Friend Connect Widget di blog.
Caranya cukup mudah
1. Anda Harus Tau Id Blog anda
    Kalau saya Belum Tau gmana dong OM ?
    Gampang ...!!
     Silahkan Clik new Entry (entry baru)
    Sebenarnya ketika kita sedang menulis artikel di blog, atau melakukan Pengaturan, Tata Letak,
    dan  sebagainya di akun blogger kita, ID tersebut terletak pada URL yang tertera di browser.
    PErhatikan gambar di bawah.
     Nah, pada gambar di atas terlihat ID bog saya yaitu 9178xxx12099909      gampangkan hehehe
      dapat kan ? id Blog anda..!

2. silahkan copy dan paste URL berikut di address bar browser Anda.

Nah yang berwarna merah itu adalah ID Blog Anda.
Setelah Anda mengganti dengan ID Blog Anda, silahkan reload address barnya (langsung tekan Enter juga gpp )
dan akan masuk ke Blogger Followers Blog Anda. Silahkan klik pada "Add the Followers gadget" untuk mendapatkan Blogger Followers Widget / Google Friend Connect Widget Blog Anda.
Kemudian akan terbuka jendela browser baru Follower Gadget, Anda bisa merubah title gadgetnya sesuai dengan kehendak Anda kemudian klik SAVE untuk menyimpannya di blog Anda. 
Kemudian silahkan Anda masuk ke Tata Letak atau Layout untuk merapihkan letak Blogger Followers Widget / Google Friend Connect Widget yang baru Anda buat, bisa disimpan di sidebar atau footer blog Anda.
Sekian terimakasih Semoga dapat Membantu Anda heheh :D

Managing Windows 8 apps

Certain aspects of Windows apps can be managed through Group Policy. The previous
 section detailed the Group Policy setting to enable LOB Apps to be installed. Other settings
are configured using AppLocker.

Creating the rules for Windows apps involves configuring rules within the “Packaged 
app Rules” section. You can either configure rules manually, use the Automatically  Generate
Rules option, or Create Default Rules from the context menu. Choosing to Create Default
Rules   automatically generates a rule to allow everyone to run all signed apps, as shown in
 Figure  6-19

However, a default rule to allow everyone to run all signed packaged apps may not be a
likely (or very secure) policy for most organizations. Therefore, you can change this policy to
Deny within its Properties dialog, as shown in Figure 6-20.

Once the rule has been changed to a default Deny policy, you can then add exceptions for
apps that will be allowed to run. This is accomplished through the Exceptions tab. Within the
Exceptions tab, shown in Figure 6-21, you can manage the current exceptions.

Adding an exception is accomplished by clicking Add, which reveals the Add Exception
dialog. Figure 6-22 shows the Add Exception dialog box used to configure an exception for
the app developed earlier in this chapter.

In addition to configuring exceptions for individual apps using their app package, you can
also choose to add exceptions using an installed package. In order for this to work, the app
has to be installed on the computer from which you’re using AppLocker. In the case of 
Figure 6-23, AppLocker was run from a Windows 8 Enterprise computer, therefore exceptions
can be granted for any of the apps installed there.

The enterprise scenario here is to configure exceptions for apps that are allowed, while
disallowing apps that an organization doesn’t want its users to run. It’s worth noting that
 exceptions can be configured based on Active Directory group membership, so certain
groups could be allowed to run the Finance or Travel app.

Sideloading an app in windows 8

To create an app package for distribution through sideloading, you must run the Windows
App Certification Kit. The Windows App Certification Kit is part of the Windows 8 Software
Development Kit (SDK) but is also included with Visual Studio 2012. For example, in the
 Express edition of Visual Studio 2012, selecting Create App Package from the Store menu
starts the Create App Package wizard

The first step of the wizard is where you choose whether or not the package will be
 distributed through the Windows Store. Selecting No, as shown in Figure 6-13, displays the
requirements and limitations for this type of distribution

The package settings are configured next, as shown in Figure 6-14