Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

The Watch Window—Spying On Your Own Data In Microsoft Excel 2010

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: workbooks are vast. You may have formulas scattered all across
its worksheets, or even in far flung cells on the same sheet. And what if you’ve written a formula
referencing cells in very different places on the workbook, such that when you changed the data in one
such cell you could no longer see the new formula result on screen, because you’ve scrolled too far
away? Well, you can always keep that result in your sights with the Watch Window option, located in
the  Formula Auditing button group in the Formulas tab. Let’s try a very simple illustration, which
should prove its point. Just watch.
Type 71 in cell D18 on Sheet1. Then type 21 in cell A2 in Sheet2. Return to Sheet1, and write the
following formula in E17:
Answer: 92. OK—been there, done that, got the t-shirt. But now click back onto Sheet2, and click
For mul as   Watch Window. You’ll see (Figure 7–13):
Then click Add Watch…. You’ll see something like this (Figure 7–14):
Figure 7–14.  Watch this
I say “something like this,” because the cell reference you actually see right now depends on the
last cell you clicked on Sheet2, because that’s where we are right now. But we want to track the current
value of the formula in E17 on Sheet1, so just click that cell, and that reference should appear in the
Add Watch di al og  box. (Note : T he  di al og  box asks y ou to cl i ck the  ce l l s y ou wi sh to watch, sug g e sti n g  y ou
could select a range. If you do, each cell in the range appears in the Watch Window, along with its
value.) Then Click Add . You should see (Figure 7–15):
 Figure 7–15.  The current result for cell E17 in Book3, Sheet1

Note the dialog box records the workbook name as well as the sheet in which our watched cell is
positioned; that tells you that if you have more than one workbook open at the same time, you can
watch cells in any and all of them. The Name column, currently blank, is reserved for any range name
you may have assigned a range you’re watching (See Appendix XX). More obviously, the cell address
and current value  in the cell is recorded, along with the formula the cell is housing. Remember that
we’ve clicked on Sheet2; so type 93 in cell A2, the cell on this sheet that is contributing to our formula.
The Watch Window experiences a change in its  Value  column to 164—reflecting the new total in the
formula in E17 on Sheet1—which we can’t actually see right now. That’s the point; the Watch Window
keeps us posted of changes in the values of cells that, at the moment, aren’t visually available to us. To
turn off the Watch Window, just click the standard X in the window’s upper-right corner. The Watch
Window isn‘t remembered by the saved workbook. It has to be reconstructed if you want to use it again
with a r eopened wor kbook.
Protect Your Cells 

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