Rabu, 03 April 2013

A look at Windows 8 apps

Windows apps extend the “app” experience to Windows 8. This experience has become
popular over the last several years with the increased use of mobile computing with
seamless application delivery and installation. Windows apps are built using Microsoft
Visual Studio and are delivered through the Windows Store, in much the same way that
other platforms have their own application delivery stores.
         Windows apps have certain features and characteristics that make them distinct from
traditional applications. Windows apps:
  •    May be launched primarily through an application Tile, which can update
  •  May be placed in the background and communicate with other apps.
  •    Exists through a full-screen, chromeless interface.
  •    Can be viewed and used in multiple display types and views.
  •    Support touch, pen input, and gestures as some of the primary means of user
Windows apps display in the Windows 8 user interface (UI) shown in Figure 6-1.
As described in the next section, Windows apps are built using Visual Studio 2012. Apps
can be built using several programming languages but all use the same Windows Runtime
Application Programming Interface (API) to access the standard Windows app library and
other application functions.

Apps, more formally known as App Packages (with the extension .appx), can be distributed
within an organization or made available through the Windows Store. Distributing through
the Windows Store has its own set of rules, as described later in this chapter. Once distributed
in the Windows Store, the app is available to the public. Apps distributed within an enterprise
don’t need to be certified by Microsoft but do need to be signed with a trusted certificate.

Windows app lifecycle

Apps have a specific lifecycle, from the time they are removed to their removal. During an
app’s lifecycle, it can go through any of the following stages:
  ■ App launch
  ■ App activation
  ■ App suspend
  ■ App resume
  ■ App close
  ■ App crash
Additionally, there are two other special states: App Visibility and App Removal.

Preparation and requirements windows 8

Properly preparing for a deployment such as Windows To Go increases its overall   success.
There are few preliminary requirements for Windows To Go, because it is intended to 

Windows To Go

Windows To Go is an innovative feature found in the Enterprise edition of Windows 8 that
enables the creation of a portable Windows 8 workspace hosted on a flash drive. By simply
placing a configured bootable Windows To Go USB drive into a computer and booting to it, a
user can access their personal Windows 8 desktop regardless of the operating system that  
is installed on the PC. The bootable Windows To Go workspace can also use the same
 Windows 8 images that are used on desktops or laptops in the enterprise. This allows you 
to use an existing image when provisioning Windows To Go.

          The portability and flexibility provided by Windows To Go standardizes the same   user
experience wherever users go. This allows for greater efficiency in offsite productivity and
overall familiarity of Windows 8 to the user. For Example, if a person uses Windows 8 at work
and other operating systems at home, placement of settings and applications can get very
confusing. Windows To Go remedies this situation and many others by providing the exact
same layout on any computer that a user inserts their USB drive. Windows To Go is also not
as volatile as you would think an operating system booted from a USB drive would be. If the
drive is suddenly disconnected, there is a 60-second window for the drive to be put back in
and resume functionality, exactly where it left off. Features like this make Windows To Go a
user-friendly way to unify the work and work-at-home environments

Deployment options in Windows 8

The Windows ADK is the fundamental collection of tools for configuring and   deploying
 Windows 8. You use these tools individually or directly infrequently, however. Instead,
 Microsoft provides a variety of deployment options that are built on top of the Windows ADK

MDT 2012 is one of the most popular toolsets built on top of the Windows ADK. It’s more
of a deployment framework. MDT 2012 helps manage deployment content in preparation
for deployment, and then collects and applies deployment information through wizards at
the time of deployment. MDT 2012 allows you to control the level of information required at
deployment time. MDT 2012 also allows you to perform fully automated deployments that
require no deployment information at the time of deployment.

MDT 2012 can be used by itself or in conjunction with Configuration Manager. Although
Configuration Manager is very capable of deploying Windows 8 without using MDT 2012,
Microsoft recommends that you use MDT 2012 with Configuration Manager to extend
its   capabilities with a deployment framework based on years of real-world experience.
 Essentially, MDT 2012 is like having dozens of deployment experts writing custom code to
support your Windows 8 deployment.

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2012 Update 1

MDT 2012 (Figure 5-1) helps automate the deployment and ongoing management of
 Windows 8 deployment content. It leverages and automates the tools in the Windows ADK to
deploy Windows 8 and applications along with it. MDT 2012 provides wizards that help in the
initial creation of deployment content.

As previously mentioned, Configuration Manager is more than capable of deploying
Windows 8 without using MDT 2012. However, MDT 2012 adds an additional framework to
Configuration Manager that helps you build a more flexible and more intelligent deployment
process for your organization.
Learn more about operating system deployment with Configuration Manager on TechNet
at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg682018.aspx.

Desktop virtualization

Desktop virtualization isn’t really a deployment tool as much as it is an alternative way to
deliver desktop environments to users. It enables you to provide a work desktop to users that
they can access from any device. The result is that you can more easily and more   responsibly
adopt Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs in your company. The topic is significant
enough that it gets its own chapter in this book. See Chapter 11, “Windows 8 virtualization,”
to learn more

Konfirmasi Data Pengiriman Puisi

Pengembala Debu

Menyusuri sudut riuh kota
Bergelantung bara api
Perut berdemo terdengar menderu
Disana kau menyanyi harapan menjemput lembaran kertas berharga
Nak, murni sekali keringatmu
Pukulan polusi mewah menjerat sisi tubuhmu
ut kemurnian walau melepas cangkang
Duniamu berlian, nak !
Lihat sang fajar tersenyum bersama matahari meliuk-liuk
Maha Sakti mengibarkan secercak harap
Teman setiamu 3 butir kaleng
Mainkan musiknya nak!
Berlomba kala sang surya tidak termakan kege
Langkah putih menuju cakrawala gapai harapan batang pilu
Tiap helaian nafas kau rajut asamu
Syahdu nan merdu kicauan suaramu
Mungkinkah tangan-tangan mewah menolongmu ?
Bendera kemenangan tanda semangat hidupmu
Sepotong ranting mengulurkan
Tempat begerumul nafas kekayaan
Teruslah bernyanyi nak !
Tunggu keajaiban kan menjemputmu

Tidur panjang tanpa mimpi

Meskipun telah lama dirimu pergi ,
dan kini tlah menjalin cinta dgan yank lain,
wajah serta segala yg ada dalam hdupmu
 slalu teringat jelas sampai masa ini, ,
 ,aku bingung dan slalu bertanya-tanya 
aku harus bagaimana. . ?
Hingga ku temukan jawaban dari smua penghuni dunia
 hanya tidur panjang tanpa mimpikulah yang mampu melupakan mu sayang.
by :  Ojha Murvinist 


Apakah engkau benar nyata
Atau cuma halusinasi semata
Jika benar engkau nyata Biarkan aku merasa..
Jika cuma halusinasi Ku harap semua hanya mimpi
By :  Nurul Bahiyah

Oh tuhan ku''

Aku adalah seorang manusia biasa
Yang selalu mengharap kan ke ridhoan dari mu,
Wahai Tuhan ku ajarkan lah kepada ku tentang arti kesabaran, arti ke ikhlasan, dan next

Arti kemandirian,
Aku ingin selalu ada dalam lindungan mu ya Allah,
Hati ku hampa, hati ku resah, hati ku gundah, ketika aku merasa jauh dari mu,
Ya Tuhan ku, jangan pernah Kau jauh dari lubuk hati ku,
Bimbinglah aku selalu di jalan Mu, hati ku merasa tenang, hati ku merasa bahagia jika aku berada di sisi Mu, Wahai Tuhan ku, YME...

By : Herlina Leons 


Dear: My Love
Di manapun engkau berpijak
From: Seorang pencintamu tanpa seorangpun tahu.

Aku tak tahu harus mulai darimana,
Yang ku tau, sejak aku bersamamu,
Duniaku kini tak seindah yang dulu.

Duniaku yang kini
kau ikut lukis bersamaku disini,
Serasa semakin indah.

Tak ada kata yang dapat ku ucap,
Bahkan aku tak tau apa inginnya hatiku,
Yang Ku tau, ku hanya ingin bersamamu.

Rasa ini semakin menjadi,
Tapi kau telah ada yang miliki,
Aku hanya terpaku, diam menanti.

Entah apa yang akan terjadi,
Bagaimanapun nanti,
Aku akan tetap disini,

Cilegon, 29 Januari 2013 11;25 PM

Cilegon, 29 Januari 2013 
11;25 PM

Kadang saat mata ini melihat lebih dalam ke matamu,
Aku terlebih rindu keramahanmu,
Aku rindu cahaya binar indah dititik matamu,
Senyum yang aku suka darimu…
Memang lembut itu tidak berubah…
Suara itupun tidak berubah…
Dan rasa yang aku harap bertambah dan tetap.
Andaisaja aku bisa diam,
Andaisaja tidak ada waktu itu,
Mungkin senyumku saat ini,
Adalah kebahagiaan yang utuh…
Bukan senyum dalam bayangan antara kecewa n air mata.

  by :Viiyans Ville 

Domba kecilku

Dengan Domba kecilnya.

Domba kecilku
sembilan bulan yang lalu
kau masih disini
di tempat suci
di bagian tubuh ini

Tumbuhlah domba kecilku
Dengan segumpal darah yang Tuhan titipkan padamu

bawalah angan bunda
pikullah segala harapan yg selalu bunda lantunkan pada-Nya

Bukan sebongkah berlian yg Bunda harapkan
bukan seonggok perunggu yang Bunda inginkan
bukan juga berlembar lembar uang yg Bunda impikan dari mu

Terbanglah bersama asamu
gapailah angan dan harapmu

untukmu anakku
Domba kecilku.

by Rif'atul mahmudah


Kenapa seperti ini??
Aku yang selalu mengharapkan warna…
Megusahakan membentuk indah pelangi…
Yang aku tau kamu tak menyadarinya…

Adalah ferbruari kita…
Tapi kenapa bisu yang tercipta??
Sunyi antara hatiku dan hatimu…
Membentuk embun embun kecil yang menetes

by :  Viiyans Ville 

Bunga ditengah Kegersangan

Indah dedaunan hijau Penyegar jiwa
Nada indah adalah nyanyian angin
ku rasa dan ku dengar
dan akan terus  kurasakan dihati ku
saat bersamamu diatas tanah nan gersang ini
puji syukur selalu terucap Untukmu
menatap mu…
mencium harum mu…
suatu anugerah Tuhan
yang masih bisa kurasakan
meski kini di ambang punah
warna warni bagai pelangi
dihamparan luas….
akan selalu aku rindu
akan selalu aku nikmati
kuncup-kuncup baru disana
akan menggantikan
mekar yang penuh warna
ini kehidupan terlewati dan terganti

  by :Yulia Rahmadani

Untuk mu Miracle (Abii)

Rngkasbitung, 25 Maret 2011

karena dia kiita bangkit
karena dia kita berdiri
karena dia langkah kita teriringi
dia sang penyanggah kegundahan dikala gelisah
ribuan kepala dia ayomi
ratusan serbitan hati, dia tutupi luka nya
engkau yang selalu menyirami kami dengan percikan nasihatmu

ketika hati terpuruk dalam kedilemaan
engkau selalu setia mendaratkan sebuah senyuman
disaat kami tersungkur... terlupa...
dalam jurang ketinggian
tak pernah lelah kau ingat kan
mulut kami bisu kaku
tubuh kami terpaku dalam lesu
gelap seluruh yang kami pandang
sejak kami yang seolah disibukkan oleh bahtera kehidupan kami

kau tetes kan embun di saat saat lelah kami
engkau adalah kotak
yang tak pernah penuh terisi keluh kesah kami
Terimakasih Abii...
kau yang telah menampung semua beban hati kami...
kami, menyayangimu...

by : Viiyans Ville

surat kecil untuk bunda

minggu kelabu
langit hitam legam
di ikuti tetesan air hujan
di temani dengan tarian kesepian
yang menggundahkan fikiran
memecahkan kesunyian

rindu ini sungguh tak tertahankan
menyeruak hingga relung hati paling dalam
rindu ini ku haturkan pada
Bunda terkasihku..
Bunda tercintaku..
mungkin kali ini aku tak pulang
tak bisa hadir di pelukanmu bunda sayang
ku lihat awan itu bergerak menghampiriku
arahnya seakan mengajaku pulang
aku hanya bisa tersenyum dan terdiam
menghaturkan salam
sembah sujud anakmu
di negeri seberang

                                                               by : Domba kecilmu
                                                             Rief'atul mahmudah

Windows 8 Assessment Services

The final component in the Windows ADK is the Windows Assessment Services   component
(Windows ASC). Windows Assessment Services is a test framework used to automate
 running assessments that measure performance, reliability, and functionality on multiple
computers in a lab environment. It helps you eliminate fragmented, error-prone, expensive,
 pre-deployment test processes, and enables you to replace multiple steps and inconsistent
tools with just one tool.

          Windows ASC is the graphical user interface that interacts with Windows Assessment
Services. This enables you to manage settings and assets, such as which lab computers to
test, which images should be applied to those computers, and which assessments should be
run on the test computers. You can use Windows ASC to monitor the progress of a running
job and to view and compare the results that were produced. Additional benefits include the
 ability to import results into a central database for consolidated report generation.

Windows 8 Performance Toolkit & Windows Assessment Toolkit

Windows Performance Toolkit

The Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT) contains performance monitoring tools that
 produce in-depth performance profiles of Windows operating systems and applications. 
It is a powerful recording tool that creates Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) recordings. You
can run the WPT from the WPT user interface or from the command line. It provides  built-in
 profiles that you can use to select the events that are to be recorded. Alternatively, you can
author custom profiles in XML. The WPT is a powerful analysis tool that combines a very
 flexible user interface with extensive graphing capabilities and data tables that can be  pivoted
and that have full text search capabilities. It allows you to explore the root cause of any
 identified performance issues.

Windows Assessment Toolkit

Another component in the Windows ADK is the Windows Assessment Toolkit. The Windows
Assessment Toolkit helps you determine the quality of a running operating system or a set
of components with regard to performance, reliability, and functionality. The toolkit includes
the tools that you need to assess a local computer, review the results, diagnose problems, and
determine how to make improvements. Assessments can be performed using the Windows
Assessment Console or command-line tools

Volume Activation Management Tool windows 8

The Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT) enables you to automate and centrally
manage the volume and retail-activation processes of Windows, Microsoft Office, and select
other Microsoft products. The VAMT can manage volume activation using Multiple   Activation
Keys (MAKs) or Key Management Service (KMS) and is typically deployed in enterprise
 environments. The VAMT is a standard Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in
that requires MMC 3.0. You can install it on any computer running Windows 8, Windows 7,
 Windows Server 2012, or Windows Server 2008 R2

User State Migration Tool in Windows 8

The User State Migration Tool (USMT) migrates user profiles and files from existing Windows
operating systems to Windows 8. It captures the user state from the existing operating system
and restores the user state to Windows 8.
The USMT includes three command-line tools:
  •    ScanState.exe   The ScanState.exe tool captures user state from the existing  operating
system (such as Windows XP, Window Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8). You can
store the captured user state on a removable drive or on a network shared folder.
The ScanState.exe tool can also estimate the amount of disk storage required by the
migrated user state.
  •    LoadState.exe   The LoadState.exe tool restores the captured user state from the
location where it is stored by the ScanState.exe tool.
  •    UsmtUtils.exe  The UsmtUtils.exe tool performs functions related to user state
 migration, such as extracting files from a compressed migration store or removing
hard-link stores that cannot be otherwise deleted due to a sharing lock.

             USMT includes three .xml files that configure the user state capture and restore process
(MigApp.xml, MigDocs.xml, and MigUser.xml). In addition, the Config.xml file specifies files
or configuration settings to exclude from the migration. You can create custom .xml files to
 support specialized migration needs.

              Both MDT 2012 and Configuration Manager rely on USMT to migrate user states. At
the appropriate time during the deployment process, the ScanState.exe and LoadState.exe
command-line tools automatically run to migrate user state. You can customize the process in
both deployment tools.

Windows 8 Preinstallation Environment

The Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) is a minimal operating system
designed to prepare a computer for Windows installation by starting a computer that has no
operating system. During Windows deployment, you can use Windows PE to partition and
format hard drives, copy disk images to a computer, and start Windows Setup from a network

            Windows PE 4.0 is based on the Windows 8 operating system, and it is available as a
 standalone product to customers who have the appropriate licensing agreement. It is an
 integrated component of many Windows technologies, including Windows Setup and
 Windows Deployment Services. Both MDT 2012 and Configuration Manager rely on it.

Customized Windows PE images can be created using the tools provided with Windows
PE. MDT 2012 and Configuration Manager can also create customized Windows PE images.