Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

Snapping apps to the screen edges in Windows 8

You can snap Windows 8 apps to the left or right edges of the screen to share the screen with
a second app (Figure 2-5), including desktop apps running on the Desktop. Complete the
 following steps to snap an app to the screen edges:
1.   On the Start screen, click a Windows 8 app, such as the Weather app. The app will
      open full screen.

2.   Press the Windows logo key + period (.) to snap the app to the right edge.

3.   Press the Windows logo key + period (.) to snap the app to the left edge.

4.   Press the Windows logo key + period (.) to restore the app to full screen.

5.   Move the mouse to the top of the app, and notice that the mouse pointer has changed
      to a hand. Drag the app to the right edge of the screen to snap it to the right edge.

6.   On the Start screen, click another Windows 8 app, such as the News app. Notice that
      the first app snapped to the right edge of the screen never changes as you open
      multiple apps. (For example, you can snap the Calendar app to the right edge of the
      screen, and keep it there while you work with multiple other apps.)

7.   To make one app bigger and the other small, simply drag the app divider from one
      side of the screen to the other, and release it.

8.   Drag the app divider to the left edge of the screen to unsnap the apps

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